Vacuum tube 737SP
The Avalon VT-737SP features a combination of TUBE preamplifiers,
opto-compressor, sweep equalizer, output level and VU metering in a 2U space.
Manley Laboratories, Inc.
Manley Core
Manley’s experience and insight working with the industry’s top recording engineers and musicians culminates in the CORE. Handcrafted in the USA, built like a tank, built to endure, the epicenter of your recorded art will be the Manley CORE.
The signal enters through our renowned hand-wound MANLEY IRON® input transformer with nickel laminations in a mu-metal can. The tube amplifying stage is the latest implementation of our famous Class-A circuit topology found in the VOXBOX® and Manley Dual Mono & Mono Microphone Preamplifiers. This all-triode vacuum tube circuit runs on a regulated 300 Volt B+ supply yielding huge headroom and relentless output drive capability.